After School Programs » After School Programs

After School Programs

Beyond the Bell logoBeyond the Bell Youth Services (YS): 
The goal of the YS program is to provide wholesome, supervised enrichment, fitness, and other sports activities at Porter. Students will engage in physical fitness that develops basic movement skills, strong and healthy bodies, teamwork, sportsmanship, cooperative social skills, and activities that reinforce the skills learned in the regular instructional program. Porter MS Youth Services Sports Program are division champions in Boys Basketball, Girls Soccer, and Boys Soccer. To register, please visit Room 10 after school. 
After School All Stars logoAfter-School All-Stars: 
All-Stars is a comprehensive after-school program founded in 2002 by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. After-School All-Stars, Los Angeles (ASAS-LA) is a premier K-12 program offering diverse activities for students.  These activities will run for the first 6-8 weeks. Activities will rotate depending on student interests. Activities include cheer, drama, visual arts, film and photography, podcasts, STEAM, and seasonal sports.  Registration will be available after school outside of Room 10. For more information, call 213-500-9708 or email your questions about the program to: [email protected].
For Youth in 6th Grade - 8th Grade Give your middle schooler something fun and constructive to do after school each day. The YMCA provides a safe, structured, licensed, and accredited after-school program for middle school students. This program is tailored specifically for those in middle school. The program includes homework help, tutoring, art experiences, clubs, sports, fitness, recreation, social time, leadership development, service projects, career-connected learning, college readiness, and more! The YMCA Club Mid provides a safe environment for your teen to be with friends while participating in organized and fun activities. Strong emphasis on Character Development which will assist in providing students with the tools needed to develop and grow into successful young adults.
Located on the school campus of Haskell STEAM Magnet (License #191223290), we provide an age-appropriate and active environment where teens assist in planning activities throughout the year. Transportation is available from Nobel, Patrick Henry, and Frost middle schools. A walking shuttle is provided from Porter Middle School. Please email us to join the interest list for YMCA Van Shuttle transportation; the minimum number of students required for each school.
YMCA will support Porter MS students in 2022-2023.  The location will be at Haskell STEAM Elementary School YMCA and any Porter kids wishing to attend will be walked over by YMCA staff.
YMCA programs are NOT sponsored by the Los Angeles Unified School District. These services are provided by an outside agency and may require fees.
15850 Tulsa Street
Granada Hills
5 Days/Week (Dismissal until 6:30 pm) | $399*
3 Days/Week (Dismissal until 6:30 pm) | $289* 
Monthly fees are prorated for shorter months. 
The North Valley Family YMCA offers scholarships for those who qualify.